geboren 1974 in Wien, lebt und arbeitet in Wien
2002 - 2005 : Meisterschüler (Prof. Astrid Klein), Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig
2002 : visiting student (Prof. Georg Herold), Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
2002 : Master Fine Arts (Prof. Astrid Klein)
2000 - 2001 : Conceptual Art (Prof. Renée Green), Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna
1999 - 2002 : Fine Arts (Prof. Astrid Klein), HGB, Leipzig
1997 - 1999 : Fine Arts & Photography, Grundstudium, HGB, Leipzig
2013 : Art Austria Award
2010 : Artist in Residence, ISCP, New York City, Sponsor: bmukk, Vienna
2008 : Outstanding Artist Award, bmukk, Vienna
2008 : Artist in Residence, Cité des Arts, Paris, bmukk, Vienna
2007 : Staatsstipendium für Bildende Kunst, bmukk, Vienna
2006 : Atelierstipendium, t-mobile, Vienna
2003 : Artist in Residence, ISCP, New York City, Sponsor: Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
1997 - 2000 : Working grant Photography, bmukk, Vienna
Solo Shows
2018 : Ibid Gallery, Los Angeles
2017 : On Fold, ProjecteSD, Barcelona
2016 : Judith Fegerl, Christoph Weber, KV Leipzig, Germany
2016 : Carte Blanche à Birgit Werres: Christoph Weber, Kunstraum Düsseldorf, Germany
2016 : Carton / pierre, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2015 : Das Obskure im Konkreten, O.T., Vienna (with Andreas Duscha)
2015 : Galerie nächst St. Stephan - Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna
2013 : uncast, ibid, London
2012 : 10, 25, 80 - ProjecteSD, Barcelona
2012 : Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2010 : loose concrete, Galerie nächst St. Stephan - Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Wien
2008 : Opening of BAWAG Contemporary, Vienna, curated by Christine Kintisch and Brigitte Huck
2008 : Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2007 : Neue Galerie, Studio, Graz, curated by Elisabeth Fiedler
2007 : Damage#1, Galerie nächst St. Stephan, Login, Vienna
2005 : Objets Externes, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2004 : Playback Spaces, Display, Prague
2004 : Stagnation, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
Group Shows (Selection)
2017 : Perpetual Construction: A Dialogue with the House of Jean Prouvé III, CAB Art Center, Brussels
2017 : Don't call it Off-Space, das weisse haus, Vienna
2017 : Wasserbiennale, Fürstenfeld, Austria, curated by Günther Predotti
2017 : La idea en un signo, Centro de Arte Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain, curated by Sergio Rubira
2017 : Damage Control, Ibid Gallery, Los Angeles
2017 : Three Positions. Six Directions. Chapter I: The Brutalist Ideal - König Galerie, Berlin
2017 : Black Magic, Christine König Galerie, Vienna, curated by Andreas Duscha
2016 : Le futur doit être dangereux - Musée des Beaux Arts de Dôle, Dôle
2016 : Der fremde Raum, Marta Herford, Germany, curated by Friederike Fast
2016 : Die Sprache der Dinge - Materialgeschichten aus der Sammlung, 21er Haus, Vienna
2016 : Choices Paris 2016 - Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2016 : not really really - , Brussels
2015 : Palinsesti, San Vito al Tagliamento, Italy, curated by Isabella Brezighar
2015 : Parallel United, Parallelvienna, Vienna
2015 : Flirting with Strangers, 21er Haus, Vienna
2015 : Tree House Down, ibid, Los Angeles
2015 : Sommerfrische, Weyregg, Austria, curated by Lucas Cuturi
2015 : Passion, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2015 : Mainzer Ansichten, Kunsthalle Mainz, Mainz, curated by Thomas Trummer
2015 : ELSEWHERE. Observations on Islands, Franz Josefs Kai 3, Vienna, curated by Marlies Wirth
2014 : New York Stories: Twenty Years of ISCP, ISCP, New York City, NY
2014 : La Biennale de Belleville 3, Pavillon Carré de Baudoin, Paris
2014 : Another Ghost, Gallery 100, Taipei
2014 : Merzen, LiveInYourHead, Geneva
2014 : Post / Postminimal, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Switzerland, curated by Konrad Bitterli
2013 : An I for an Eye, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, curated by Stamatina Gregory and Andreas Stadler
2013 : The Christoph Project, Kunstforum Pro Arte, Hallein, Austria, curated by Christoph Draeger
2013 : On Things, On Minds, Kunstverein Schattendorf, curated by Fabian Seiz, Irina Eden and Stijn Lernout
2013 : map, record, picture, sculpture, ProjecteSD, Barcelona
2013 : In The Shape of Things to Come, Vesch, Vienna, curated by Sonia Leimer
2012 : Spieltrieb, ibid, London
2012 : Biennale de Belleville 2, Paris
2012 : Luisa Kasalicky und Christoph Weber, Projektraum, Galerie nächst St. Stephan
2012 : Sleepwalking, Freies Museum Berlin
2012 : Independent, New York City
2011 : Zizania, Lage3zu20, Berlin, curated by Marie Graftieaux
2011 : Villa Tokyo, Tokyo, organized by raster gallery, Warsaw
2011 : Archivisions #2, Le PARVIS centre d’art, curated by Magali Gentet
2011 : Judith Fegerl und Christoph Weber, In der Kubatur des Kabinetts, Fluc, Vienna
2011 : Schattendorfbiennale, Kunstverein Schattendorf, curated by Christian Egger
2011 : Livret III, Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, curated by Laurent Montaron
2011 : Les amis de mes amis sont mes amis, Hommage to Jan Mancuska, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2011 : Prolonged Exposure, Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, curated by Maayan Sheleff
2011 : LE CHOIX DU TITRE EST UN FAUX PROBLÈME, cneai, Paris, curated by Samon Takahashi
2011 : Independent, New York City
2010 : Reception: Peter Vermeersch hosts... Art Basel Miami Beach with
PROJECTESD, Barcelona and Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2010 : 10.11.2010-23.12.2010, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris, curated by Erik Verhagen and Jocelyn Wolff
2010 : Open Studios, ISCP, New York
2010 : Psychosculptures, Vleeshal, Middelburg, The Netherlands, curator: Lorenzo Benedetti
2010 : in:system, Schloß Ulmerfeld, Austria, curators: Anna Spohn, Bernhard Hosa
2010 : Independent, New York City
2010 : Arrivals and Departures, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, curators: Andrea Bruciati, Walter Gasperoni
2010 : Fine Line, Galerie Georg Kargl, Vienna
2009 : Reception: Peter Vermeersch hosts... PROJECTESD, Barcelona
2009 : Sleepwalking, temporary gallery cologne, curator: Amer Abbas
2009 : Antirepresentationalism III, kow-gallery, Berlin, curator: Alexander Koch, Nikolaus Oberhuber
2009 : Antirepresentationalism II, kow-gallery, Berlin, curator: Alexander Koch, Nikolaus Oberhuber
2009 : Antirepresentationalism I, kow-gallery, Berlin, curator: Alexander Koch, Nikolaus Oberhuber
2009 : Eté 2009, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2009 : Frontières Invisibles, Lille3000, Lille, curator: Elena Sorokina
2008 : Notorious, Frac Ile de France - Le Plateau, Paris, curator: Xavier Franceschi
2008 : Bass Diffusion Model, Fieldgate Gallery, London, curators: Caroline Soyez and Gallien Dejean
2008 : [Scene Missing], Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin, curator: Fiona Liewehr
2008 : Re-construct, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, curator: Antonia Lotz
2008 : [Scene Missing], Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna, curator: Fiona Liewehr
2007 : Kunstverein dasweissehaus, Vienna, curator: Elsy Lahner
2007 : On fait le mur, L'Espace d'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux, France. curator: Jean-Marc Avrilla
2007 : Kopf oder Zahl, Kunstraum NOE, Wien. curator: Helmut Mark (Catalogue)
2006 : Egon Schiele. Vorbild und Widersacher in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Atelier Augarten, Wien
curators: Tobias G. Natter and Thomas Trummer (Catalogue)
2006 : wood, photographs,... , Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2006 : Suma, Wien, curators: Susanne Klien, Markus Strobl (Catalogue)
2006 : Villa Warsaw, Raster Gallery Summer Festival, Warschau
2006 : Nothing but Pleasure, BAWAG Foundation, Wien,
curators: Christine Kintisch, Brigitte Huck (Catalogue)
2006 : Videothèque Mobile, Architecture University, Paris, curator: Maelle Dault
2005 : MeisterschülerInnenausstellung, HGB Leipzig
2005 : Loop, Video Art Festival, Barcelona
2004 : Der Sprung im Wasserglas, Kunstraum B2, Leipzig, curators: Ulrike Kremeier, Alexander Koch
2004 : Nine points of the Law, NGBK, Berlin, curators: Arbeitsgruppe Fotografie, (Catalogue)
2004 : Eines abends spät in der Zukunft, Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit Clemens von Wedemeyer, Kubus, Leipzig
2003 : Open Studio, ISCP, New York City, USA
2003 : Rundgang, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Klasse Georg Herold
2002 : Falsche Freunde, Galerie Barakk, Berlin. Curator: Tobias Laukemper
2002 : Playing in the dirt while the others work, Galerie Fisk, Bergen, Norwegen
Uncast, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2015
The First Minutes of October, Verlag für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2009
Exhibition catalogues (selection):
Der fremde Raum - Angriffe, Verwandlungen, Explosionen, Museum Marta Herford
Carte Blanche à Birgit Werres: Christoph Weber, Kunstraum Düsseldorf
Prolonged Exposure, CCA Tel Aviv, Israel
Arrivals and Departures, A New Generation of Artists, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona
Notorious, Frac Ile de France - Le Plateau
Frontières Invisibles, Lille3000
Kopf oder Zahl, Kunstraum NOE
nach Schiele, DUMONT, Atelier Augarten, 2006, Texts: Tobias G. Natter and Thomas Trummer
Sumazo 2006, Texts: Reiko Tomii, Markus Strobl
Willa Warszawa, Raster Gallery, REVOLVER Verlag, 2006, Warschau
Nothing but Pleasure, BAWAG Foundation, 2006, Text: Christine Kintisch
Der Sprung im Wasserglas, Verfahren im Raum, REVOLVER Verlag, 2004, Texte: Alexander Koch, Ulricke Kremeier
Nine points of the Law, NGBK (Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst), Berlin, 2004, Text: Prof. Peter J. Schneemann
Lounge, Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig, 2000